Based in Paris, we are a made-to-order bootmaker always looking for the greatest crafmanship in France.
We are passion-driven.
Our lasts are handmade in Cholet. There, the final lastmaker teaches to his apprentice his savoir-faire !

Forme à la main Mauban soulier français Handmade last know how
Our boxcalf comes from the Puy-en-Velay Tannerie, because of their perfect shades and smoothest box-calf leathers.

Fabriquée en France Boxcalf Tanneries Puy Know how
Our shoes are handcrafted in Chemillé where we revive the last independent atelier and its Goodyear skills

Goodyear fait main Mauban Craftmanship Benchmade atelier artisan
Our leather-soles are extra-slow vegetable tanned in Armendarits to fill during 12 months every fibers of the leather.

Semelle Tannerie Garat Craftmanship Goodyearwelted
Our thread is manufactured by the same family in Tourcoing since 1848.

Luxe France Fil poissé Handcrafted Benchmade
Our wood box are benchmade in Saint Emilion like the finest wines.